Pruning to improve plant growth

Pruning or deadheading is the act of cutting away twigs or branches of a plant. Pruning is done to remove dead or diseased plant material, remove spent blooms and encourage new blooms, to improve the form or shape of a plant, to encourage growth in a different direction and to prevent seeds from developing.

The beauty of plants is that they have the ability to grow new limbs, branches and roots to replace those that are removed. Pruning some plants will make them bushier, stronger and eager to grow new flowers.

With evergreen trees, when deciding where to prune, look for the swelling or the branch collar, at the base of a stem or branch where it meets the stem. Prune at the outside edge of the swelling (away from the trunk). The branch collar is where a tree manufactures its healing tools

Call Ray at: Sunshine lawn maintenance and landscaping for all of your lawn, yard and gardening needs 204-229-9789

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At Sunshine, we take a great deal of pride in delivering “top-notch” service.  But don't just take our word for it. Here's what our customers have to say about their experiences with us: 

• Ray and his crew are outstanding. I had the pleasure of using their services with a large commercial property. The service provided, and the detail and care that went into tending to every matter, was truly remarkable. Ray was always available and quick to respond to any calls or emails. His manner and Customer Service is excellent. I would highly recommend Sunshine to anyone looking for a commercial or residential property service.

Shelly S.                               


• I have been using Sunshine for a couple of years now, and without exception, it has been amazing customer care. Normal months for snow plowing and snow removal are November to March. For both years, Ray and his company have exceeded this boundary to provide great customer support, and clear our walks and back drive area. The great snowfall of October a couple of years ago, to just our most recent Manitoba snowfall. There has never been a day that snowed, that our walks weren’t cleared first thing in the morning. I would highly recommend this team!!

Michelle P.

Please NOTE: This Michelle P. review was provided directly from the customer's email **This is Not a Google Review**


Hannah Mailloux, Property Manager

Capital Property Management


Susan Wong, Property Manager

Karma Properties

204-415-5712 ext. 201

Jean Reuther, Property Manager

D7 Property Management



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