What trees should I plant?
With all the well-known problems of American Elms with Dutch Elm Disease and the issues with Ash trees being killed by Emerald Ash borers as well as columnar tower poplars and Swedish Aspens dying by the hundreds from infestations of poplar borers and fungal canker diseases, people are interested to know: “what else can I plant that is going to last and stay healthy?”
Varieties of Linden trees are a good choice!
The City has been planting Dropmore Lindens and for now Lindens are pretty much issue free. Lindens are nicely shaped trees as well and are ideal for Winnipeg yards as they grow well in our soils.
Although Lindens are generally issue free, any tree that is not cared for properly may develop problems.
So, if you’re looking to add a tree to your garden or to replace a tree that is not doing well or has died, consider Lindens. They are a very nice tree.
For all of your yard, tree and garden needs call Ray at Sunshine: 204-229-9789,